#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2012-11-25 21:50:00 +0000 $ #$Revision: 001 $ Daniel Chateigner #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Material Properties Open Database (MPOD), # http://www.mpod.net/ # # The file may be used within the scientific community so long as # proper attribution is given to the journal article from which the # data were obtained. # data_1000306 _cod_database_code 2100858 _structure_refined 'no' _phase_name 'barium titanate' _phase_formula 'BaTiO3' _chemical_formula_sum 'Ba1 Ti1 O3' _symmetry_point_group_name_H-M '4 m m' _cell_length_a 3.9998 _cell_length_b 3.9998 _cell_length_c 4.018 _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 90 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Zgonik, M.' 'Bernasconi, P.' 'Duelli, M.' 'Schlesser, R.' 'Gunter, P.' 'Garrett, M.H.' 'Rytz, D.' 'Zhu, Y.' 'Wu, X.' _publ_section_title ; Dielectric, elastic, piezoelectric, electro-optic, and elasto-optic tensors of BaTiO3 crystals ; _journal_name_full 'Physical Review B' _journal_volume 50 _journal_issue 9 _journal_page_first 5941 _journal_page_last 5949 _journal_year 1994 _phase_density 6020 _prop_measurement_poling '[001]' _prop_symmetry_point_group_name_H-M '4 m m' _prop_dielectric_permittivity_relative_epsrijS 'epsrijS' _prop_dielectric_permittivity_relative_epsrijT 'epsrijT' _prop_elastic_compliance_sijE 'sijE' _prop_elastic_compliance_sijD 'sijD' _prop_elastic_stiffness_cijE 'cijE' _prop_elastic_stiffness_cijD 'cijD' _prop_electrooptic_rijkS 'rijkS' _prop_electrooptic_rijkT 'rijkT' _prop_photoelastic_pijE 'pijE' _prop_piezoelectric_dij 'dij' _prop_piezoelectric_eij 'eij' _prop_conditions_temperature 295 loop_ _prop_data_label _prop_data_tensorial_index _prop_data_value _prop_measurement_method epsrijT 11 4400(400) CAP epsrijT 22 4400(400) CAP epsrijT 33 129(5) CAP epsrijS 11 2200(200) CAP epsrijS 22 2200(200) CAP epsrijS 33 56(3) CAP sijD 11 6.4(3) RT sijD 12 -2.3(4) RT sijD 13 -1.7(3) RT sijD 22 6.4(3) RT sijD 23 -1.7(3) RT sijD 33 5.6(10) RT sijD 44 ? RT sijD 55 ? RT sijD 66 8.4(16) RT sijE 11 7.4(3) RT sijE 12 -1.4(3) RT sijE 13 -4.4(5) RT sijE 22 7.4(3) RT sijE 23 -4.4(5) RT sijE 33 13.1(15) RT sijE 44 16.4(16) RT sijE 55 16.4(16) RT sijE 66 7.6(8) RT cijD 11 223(10) RT cijD 12 109(5) RT cijD 13 102(5) RT cijD 22 223(10) RT cijD 23 102(5) RT cijD 33 240(10) RT cijD 44 121(5) RT cijD 55 121(5) RT cijD 66 ? RT cijE 11 222(10) RT cijE 12 108(18) RT cijE 13 111(8) RT cijE 22 222(10) RT cijE 23 111(8) RT cijE 33 151(7) RT cijE 44 61(3) RT cijE 55 61(3) RT cijE 66 134(6) RT rijkS 113 10.2(6) IntF rijkS 223 10.2(6) InTF rijkS 333 40.6(25) InTF rijkS 232 730(100) IntF rijkS 131 730(100) IntF rijkT 113 8(2) IntF rijkT 223 8(2) InTF rijkT 333 105(10) InTF rijkT 232 1300(100) IntF rijkT 131 1300(100) IntF pijE 11 0.50(4) LDU pijE 12 0.106(10) LDU pijE 13 0.200(14) LDU pijE 21 0.106(10) LDU pijE 22 0.50(4) LDU pijE 23 0.200(14) LDU pijE 31 0.070(7) LDU pijE 32 0.070(7) LDU pijE 33 0.77(4) LDU pijE 44 1.0(2) LDU pijE 55 1.0(2) LDU pijE 66 ? ? dij 31 -33.4(20) IntF dij 32 -33.4(20) InTF dij 33 90(5) InTF dij 15 564(40) IntF dij 24 564(40) IntF eij 31 -0.7(6) IntF eij 32 -0.7(6) IntF eij 33 6.7(3) IntF eij 15 68.4(36) IntF eij 24 68.4(36) IntF