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Publication details
title Synthesis and crystal growth of Cs0.8(FeSe0.98)2: a new iron-based superconductor with Tc=27K
authors Krzton-Maziopa, A.; Shermadini, Z.; Pomjakushina, E.; Pomjakushina, V.; Bendele, M.; Amato, A.; Khasanov, R.; Luetkens, H.; Conder, K.
journal Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
year 2011
volume 23
issue 0
first page None
last page None
reference 052203
pages number 4

code filename cod code phase generic phase name chemical formula publication
1000194 1000194.mpod 1501462 iron selenide Cs0.8 Fe2 Se1.96 113
1000195 1000195.mpod 1501461 iron selenide K0.8 Fe2 Se1.96 113