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Publication details
title Elastic constants of magnetite, pyrite and chromite
authors Doraiswami, M.S.
journal Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A
year 1947
volume 25
issue 0
first page 413
last page 416
reference None
pages number None

code filename cod code phase generic phase name chemical formula publication
1000261 1000261.mpod 9013529 magnetite Fe3 O4 123
1000262 1000262.mpod 9013529 magnetite Fe3 O4 123
1000263 1000263.mpod 5000115 pyrite Fe S2 123
1000264 1000264.mpod 5000115 pyrite Fe S2 123
1000265 1000265.mpod 5000115 pyrite Fe S2 123
1000266 1000266.mpod 5000115 pyrite Fe S2 123
1000267 1000267.mpod 5910349 chromite Fe Cr2 O4 123