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Publication details
title Superconductivity and magnetic properties of single crystals of K0.75Fe1.66Se2 and Cs0.81Fe1.61Se2
authors Ying, J.J.; Wang, X.F.; Luo, X.G.; Wang, A.F.; Zhang, M.; Yan, Y.J.; Xiang, Z.J.; Liu, R.H.; Cheng, P.; Ye, G.J.; Chen, X.H.
journal Physical Review B
year 2011
volume 83
issue 21
first page None
last page None
reference 212502
pages number 4

code filename cod code phase generic phase name chemical formula publication
1000274 1000274.mpod potassium iron selenide K0.75 Fe1.66 Se2 127
1000275 1000275.mpod cesium iron selenide Cs0.81 Fe1.61 Se2 127