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Publication details
title Brillouin Spectroscopy, Calculated Elastic and Bond Properties of GaAsO4
authors Bhalerao, Gopalkrishna M.; Cambon, Olivier; Haines, Julien; Levelut, Claire; Mermet, Alain; Sirotkin, Sergey; Ménaert, Bertrand; Debray, Jéróme; Baraille, Isabelle; Darrigan, Clovis; Rérat, Michel
journal Inorganic Chemisty
year 2010
volume 49
issue 0
first page 9470
last page 9478
reference None
pages number None

code filename cod code phase generic phase name chemical formula publication
1000068 1000068.mpod 1009000 gallium arsenate Ga As O4 37